Mario Casado

Nostalgia Memory Culture Hierarchy in Museums

The Baúl R.O.J.O. (Reinterpreting Objects, Justifying Obsession) is a portable museum functioning as a cyclical ever-changing rotation of objects. Most museums have a similar rotation of different exhibitions of works and some which are on permanent display. This established system seems appealing and undoubtedly standardizes a market for whats new. However, the appeal has little to do with the artists work and instead aims at creating monetized assets. Naturally, this is a widely accepted normality within museums that enables exclusivity and hierarchical systems. With this in mind, the Baúl R.O.J.O. seeks to denounce these injustices of habitual norms with an all inclusive system inherent within a drawer of objects. To ensure this system works, I rely solely on the participation of the viewers by using a system of open submission. These submissions are what separate museums from the Baúl, I do not pick and choose who gets to be included. The participants will choose objects based of a prompted question to establish a theme for each exhibition. All objects are given equal importance in terms of placement within the drawer, each displayed in a handmade wooden capsule meant to secure it. Every exhibition will have new prompts and a submission box available, essentially enabling the functionality of the rotation.

What Object has sentimental value to you?


(Given the size of the drawer, the only limitation is that objects cannot exceed a height of 3.5” and a length of 20”.)

  1. Fill out a form with the given prompt.
  2. Write name and email to be contacted.
  3. Place the form inside the submission box at the end of the drawer.
  4. When enough are gathered, I will contact participants for their objects to be display.
  5. New exhibition is curated and opened for viewing.
  6. Repeat.