
Xintong Wu

Nostalgia Memory Storytelling

I believe everything in the world exists for a purpose. Memory is a function of the human brain that is both virtual and real. It helps humans and other living things adapt and respond to changes in their surroundings. Memory allows us to record and preserve our personal experiences, feelings, and emotions, which helps us establish our own self-perception and personal identity. This personal identity not only helps us differentiate ourselves from others but also helps us connect and interact with others and society. Memory Collection: Records information related to memory to help humans understand the meaning and value of existence. It collects and records important memories in one’s life for oneself and for friends around. By browsing books, one can experience and feel the emotions in memory stories and relate to their own memories. The goal is for readers to find their own way of recording unforgettable memories after touring the project.

Website: The ideal memory database is built by uploading constructed models to the website. The website is an unlimited space for me, which means I can create and add infinite memory stories later. By clicking on the words around the model, users can explore the memories of friends through interaction, just like browsing the Memory Collection. Unlike books, the website can hide some memories and explore them interactively. This is similar to how humans recall memories, as humans always recall the general idea before recalling details. The concept of the model comes from the fact that memory has no physical existence around humans, like a colorful planet floating in the vast universe.

AR Virtual Space: A virtual model of memory exists in the world, which cannot be seen or touched. The AR technology is used to display the model. When the device is opened and the camera is used to load the model, it will appear around and above the current space, simulating the idea that memory is an intangible object floating around humans.

VI Design: Using small objects around us to record and reinforce memory is a very effective method. The design of these small objects is related to the theme of the project. The existence of these small objects makes it easier to remember and recall information related to the project. The design on these small objects has specific symbolic meanings. This allows us to immediately think of information related to the project when we see these small objects. In addition, these small objects also transform memory from abstract concepts into tangible objects, making people more aware that memory is ubiquitous. When we transform memory into an object, it is no longer an intangible thing but becomes a tangible entity that people can easily remember and recall information related to it. Using small objects around us to help record and reinforce memory enables people to better understand the essence of human memory and its ubiquitous existence. @xint998